
Component Templates

Component Usage

In ember, all components are in a global namespace, we do not need to import then at all, this is different from React that requires the Component to be imported like a library or module. Rendering the component is similar to ember octanes angle bracket syntax.


<!-- application.hbs -->
<MyComponent />


// App.tsx

// import component like js module
import MyComponent from './components/MyComponent';

export default function App() {
  return (
    <MyComponent />

Block components

Block components are done in a similar way between React and Ember. In React there a reserve parameter children that contains the contents of the inner html elements.


<!-- outer-component.hbs -->
  <p> Inner Content is rendered here </p>
<!-- inner-component.hbs -->


// OuterComponent.tsx
import InnerComponent from './components/InnerComponent';

export default function OuterComponent() {
  return (
      <p>Inner content is rendered here.</p>
// InnerComponent.tsx
export default function InnerComponent({ childen }) {
  return (

Component Arguments

Passing arguments is done through element attributes in React and Ember. React arguments, otherwise known as props, are passed into the function component via the field name of the first parameter.


<!-- outer-component.hbs -->
<InnerComponent @name={{"John"}} />

<!-- inner-component.hbs -->


// OuterComponent.tsx
import InnerComponent from './components/InnerComponent';

export default function OuterComponent() {
  return (
    <InnerComponent name={"John"} />

// InnerComponent.tsx
export default function InnerComponent({ name }) {
  return (<>{props.name}<>)

Multi-component Files

Since React doesn't scope things by file, but by functions using js imports, we can create multiple components in one file. This can be used to create private components that can only be used by the ones we export. This is not possible in Ember.


// MyComponent.tsx
export default function MyComponent({ message }) {
  return (<>
    <FormattedDate date={mesage.date} />

function FormattedDate({ date }) {
  const formatted = date.toLocaleDateString('en-us', { weekday:"long", year:"numeric", month:"short", day:"numeric"});
  return (<aside>{formatted}</aside>)

The component FormatttedDate cannot be used outside of this file since it is never exported.
